Enter The Real Wonkster


EnWhySeaWonk is a proud member of the Stonewall Democrats of NYC whose employment is completely separate from politics (although Andrew did come to our firm's "we have a new office" party in 2002). He does, however, not speak for the Stonewall Democrats when he posts online.

A lifelong Democrat, during the Presidential race of 1988 he hated Mike for letting George make "liberal" into a bad word, when he wasn't old enough to vote. In 1989 he cast his first vote ever, in the Mayoral primary (he felt Ed had to go and voted for David).

As you just read, he has a habit of only referring to pols by their first name unless it's confusing (like "Al") and is proud to say that he started and popularized C. Virginia Fields being referred to by her given name on the Politicker (Clara, in case you didn't know).

He can be reached at En Why Sea [email protected] (take out the spaces, which are to avoid spam).

He revealed in February, 2008 that he is the creation of Matthew W. Carlin.